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Merging Homes & Management


Let’s talk about the tough stuff…

Have you discussed who will do the dishes and manage the important papers and bills? Is there clarity around responsibility over laundry and meals? Whether you have been sharing an address for a while, or for the first time, agreeing on how your home is run is still vitally important. As with the wedding, the more planning beforehand, the smoother the outcome.

Working with clients I have been privy to many behind-the-scenes conversations of marital frustrations over home management that comes down to unspoken expectations from both sides. Putting it all out on the table, and discussing it before hand, helps the home run smoother and the day-to-day be more enjoyable. You don’t want the unspoken expectations of home management to be the early buzz kill of the honeymoon phase.

Trust me, I know this isn’t fun. But, you know what really isn’t fun- feeling that rift of frustration when there isn’t food for dinner, or there is a pile of laundry that isn’t getting put away. An ounce of home management prevention equals years of marital harmony.

It doesn’t all have to be decided ahead of time. Many situations will evolve that didn’t exist during that first year. But, gaining clarity on what each person expects of themselves, the other person, and the overall management of the home will set a good solid foundation to build from. 

Other areas to consider:

What is each person’s strong suit?

What tasks does each person enjoy …or loathe?

What is the work schedule/outside demands of each person?

What tasks can be outsourced to a third party?

Love is a commitment and the follow through.

Sara Kelly is CEO-MOM of her home in Wilton and runs Your Aligned Home, a home management consulting business. Her passion for home management, reducing stress, and most of all, helping others, is what led her to this work. Find out all the ways she can help you at Submit your home management questions for the next article by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

What conversations have you had around home management with your partner? Any creative solutions or stumbling blocks? Share your journey with me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.